To start off, this is not an apology post for not having anything on the blog lately. I don't really care for people doing that. Simply an explanation and an update is what this here is about! We've been a little busy again around this house. As you've read previously we have been expecting company from my grandparents. That little trip has come and gone already and now we are on the slow path of waiting for our anniversary trip to show up on the calender.
My grandparent's visiting was nice. I was able to show them our first home, and our first town/base that we live on. I gave them a tour and we sat around catching up. When I took them to the PX my papa got a souvenir shirt that I just find hilarious. The shirt had a saying that he survived Fort Irwin in 115 degree weather, snakes, etc. He loved it and sported it around town as soon as he got it haha.
*This is where I took a break from blogging to frantically make the beds and pick up some stuff because we have a house inspection today....yay.*
On top of having family visiting, we also headed over to Vegas to an Air Force base for a special ceremony for my cousin that is stationed there. It was awesome to be there and support him on a special day like that in his career. The invitations to the event had said to dress business casual. So I wore a sundress, and some cute sandal heal shoes that I believe have only worn once before. BAD DECISION. I didn't realize how much walking we would be doing, and ended up with a couple cuts and blisters from those damn shoes. I'm still suffering from that decision... ouch.
We have some big news and decision making to do based on our Military life. I'm not going to be saying anything to give any of it away until it is all finalized. Just know that I'm nervous like crazy about it. Only a small minority know about it too and I'm trying to not scream it to the world until everything is set in stone. You know how the Military is, it could be one way today and then tomorrow it's totally different.
The best part about going to Vegas, was being able to see my Mom though! We surprised my step dad because it was his birthday. We originally told him we wouldn't be able to make it there on his birthday and would see him the day of the ceremony instead. We drove there and went to Margaritaville and snuck up behind him. I've been to Vegas a few times and haven't been to that restaurant/bar yet. I've always walked right by it. It was such an awesome place, they had a live band start playing not long after we got there and they were really good. We also shared this giant platter of nachos that were to die for. Seriously. If you ever go here, get the nachos. They were so good that I'm still wishing I could have them right now.
Anything big happen in your life lately?
Have you ever been to Margaritaville?